Friday, June 18, 2010

One more sleep till we leave

The Thrones stopped by tonight to bid us farewell and I know Ella told me good-bye at least 20 times!!! We went over to see her new swing set and to deliver Lexie. Then we got more good-byes!!! We are going to miss the kids-on-the-couch but we're going to try and have a good time anyway. After painting in 90 degree weather most of today, I think David is having second thoughts about his trip into the Canyon!!! I'll have lots of cold compresses to put on his forehead when he arrives at the top. I'm going to have so much fun sight-seeing, picture taking and SHOPPING, I hope I remember to pick him up!

1 comment:

  1. I just saw your blog - how fun!! You'll have such a great time on your trip - it's an awesome drive! Colorado is really pretty, the Grand Canyon is amazing - you can't deny that we have a BIG God standing there, and Vegas is pretty cool too but I would lose all my money too! :) Hopefully you are prepared for the 100 degree weather - it's actually been a cooler summer then normal so it's not to bad! Are you guys headed towards Phoenix at all - if so let me know!! :) You guys will be in my prayers and I know you will love it! Love and prayers for you guys!!
