Monday, June 21, 2010

Colorado is where?

The red rock is in Garden of the Gods.

To the left is the Fargo Pizza Palace. Snazzy huh!

We arrived in Colorado by 8:13 today but didn't see mountains for some time so we thought they had misplaced them. BUT, As Zac said, it takes forever to get to the mountains. Two hours and 15 minutes later we were in the Springs. We happened upon Fargo Pizza Palace decorated like a part of the Old West Saloon with a beautiful player piano, chandeliers and great food. Yeah David for pulling in there. Yee Haw. At 1:30 we arrived at The Garden of the Gods and watched the movie, took the bus tour and got irritated at the people and KIDS talking while the guide we'd paid to tell us stuff was talking. Then we drove it again ourselves, got out and hiked around for about 45 mins. and took way too many pictures of what is already professionally done in the brochures. Ran across a man playing a digeridoo (sp). He was quite a character. We old people needed a siesta after all that so once we were revived, we went to the OUTBACK for supper. Such a fun way to end the day. It is actually 11:17 back in Ohio as I write this. We are now on Mountain time and it is only 9:17. Weird. I'm going to try and add a couple of pictures in reverse order and see if they end up the way I want them tonight. Thanks for coming along on our journey. Tomorrow the Peak. Pray we don't get altitude sickness! If people hadn't have told us about it, I wouldn't have had a bit of doubt I could do this so I'm just praying it away. We are riding up on a COG railroad car. Should be fun.
It takes WAY TOO LONG to put pics on here. I'm going to post on Facebook, probably tomorrow. I'm too tired just waiting for them. Good night.


  1. I'm jealous.. Big rocks and an amazing pizza place? What more do you need! Hey are you guys going through Wrangle Mountain? Just thought I'd ask. :)

  2. Fun are in our neck of the woods now. my mom lives in the Springs and we live in Castle Rock. my girls LOVE fargo pizza...they call it the magic restaurant cause of the mirrors with the numbers!! have fun on the rest of your trip!!

    crissie (gascho) talley
